Melany Valderrama Melany Valderrama

Year In Review: 34

My Dear Dudes,
I know, I know, another year in review is hitting your feeds. Pero bueno, I promise this one is more about reflections than it is about accomplishments.

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Melany Valderrama Melany Valderrama

Becoming Eva’s Mom

Everything everyone told me, was wrong.

Well, almost everything.

Like every other new mom, this first year of motherhood I was bombarded with irrelevant (yet often well-meaning) advice.

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Melany Valderrama Melany Valderrama

Year In Review: 33

2022 was “La edad de Cristo” year. Welcome to the Catholic-Latino-family expectations that you live up to the legacy of the “son of God” at 33.

No pressure…

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Melany Valderrama Melany Valderrama

Year In Review: 32

Writing this on the night of January 1st, 2022 on a 16 hour flight home from the other side of the world. Julian and I are three negative PCRs in, which allowed us to travel to Texas and the Middle East for Christmas, New Years and my birthday.

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Melany Valderrama Melany Valderrama

Hello, HOUSE!

We’re not the most handy people in the Western world.

My Huz has some tools you can borrow, but if you’re looking for people to help you mount, drill, repair or build a thing, do NOT call us.

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Melany Valderrama Melany Valderrama

What I Won’t Miss

A year. One whole year. Last week marked a year since the start of this pandemic.

As I reflected on this year of Covid life, several events helped center what this has all been like.

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Melany Valderrama Melany Valderrama

Year In Review: 30

Here we are. At the end of the year and the end of the twenty-tens. It’s been quite the decade, no?! Less notably, it’s also the end of my 30th (a milestone I took ENTIRELY too seriously!)

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Melany Valderrama Melany Valderrama

Year In Review: 29

In the past I’ve intermittently shared an annual reflection to mark the end of the year and another trip around the sun. Since my birthday falls on January 1st, I’m particularly prone to pausing, reflecting, and seeking a fresh start with the new calendar year. Naturally, there was no other way to start 2019 and formally launch my website than to bring the tradition back to life!

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