Ambitious about EVERYTHING.

For a long time, I tried to find a connecting thread to my ENFJ-fueled, varied loves. Between two worlds, in the hyphen, bicultural, multi interest—none of these labels ever felt good enough to encompass it all.

And then, it hit me…

Hi, I’m Liz Rebecca Alarcón, and I’m AMBITIOUS about EVERYTHING.

Not in the outdated, hustle culture, cringey “girl boss” way. In the “redefined” way Anand Giridharadas shared in his commencement speech to his high school last year: 

“Be ambitious about cooking people meals that make them remember their grandmother. Be ambitious about being the first friend people call — not text — after the oncologist calls them. 

Be ambitious about everything. About how interesting a partner you are, about the new thoughts you bring your love when you get a babysitter and sneak out for dinner. About the parties you host. About the gestures you make as a neighbor. About making friends.

And redefining ambition doesn’t just mean balancing work and personal life. It also means rethinking what it is to be ambitious about work.

Pursue the ambition of a craft, not of a career. There’s a difference.

And, by the way, this invitation to redefine ambition isn’t just about you having a good life. It’s also about you being able to fix a world in crisis.

A more sustainable earth will not be realized by people who work unsustainably, treating their bodies like fossil fuels to be extracted at any cost. A multi-racial democracy that listens to every voice and moves beyond domination and supremacy will not be realized by people who believe the right things on paper but sustain the old cultural habits of talking more than listening and needing to dominate every meeting. A more humane economy and more vibrant communities will not be realized by people who don’t know how to turn work off and invite their people over and cook for them. The right of people to be who they are and love who they love will not be realized by people who don’t give themselves space for being and loving.

Because we’re not going to fix what’s broken in the world with the same ethic that broke things. A new kind of society will require a new kind of ambition.

That’s me, my dudes. With authenticity, vibrant, and seemingly unending energy guiding my way, degrees from the University of Miami, Georgetown, a Fulbright fellowship, and a Stanford certification under my belt, and with the immense privilege to be able to design an intentional life as my daily gratitude, you can find me being ambitious about everything here in Miami with my Huz, Julián, our toddler Eva, unnecessarily large dog, Papriko, modern extended family, and friends who are family, too.